Crus Bourgeois Unveils New Classification

Crus Bourgeois Unveils New Classification
The Crus Bourgeois du Médoc has unveiled its new official classification, consisting of three categories, which will now be updated every five years.
article originally featured in The Drink Business Feb 20th 2020
The classification covers 249 châteaux and ranks them as either Cru Bourgeois, Cru Bourgeois Supérieur or Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel.The ranking for the 2018 vintage includes 179 Crus Bourgeois, 56 Crus Bourgeois Supérieurs and 14 Crus Borugeois Exceptionnels.
Estates ranked in the ‘Exceptionnels’ category include châteaux Paveil de Luze and d’Arsac in Margaux; châteaux Le Bosq, Lillian Ladouys and Le Crock in Saint-Estèphe; Château Lestage in Listrac-Médoc and eight properties in Haut-Médoc: châteaux d’Agassac, Arnauld, Belle-Vue, Cambon La Pelouse, Charmail, Malescasse, de Malleret and du Taillan.
The estates will be able to apply their classification to their labels from the 2018 vintage for the next five years with the next classification earmarked for 2022.
The new classification has been undergoing preparation and consultation for 10 years. As well as simply classifying the crus bourgeois domains, recognising their work and providing a guarantee of quality for customers, the new system is also meant to give the châteaux owners a longer-term view of their properties with one key requirement being obtainment of or at least in the process of obtaining level two of the Haute Valeur Environmentale certification.
The full list can be found Here