• Susana Balbo Signature

Susana Balbo Signature

Susana Balbo's Signature wines are elegant, bold wines with artistic finesse. With these wines, Susana defies the limits of enology. The wide range of styles in these wines highlights her audacity to create elevated and innovative wines. This is the result of her vast experience of over 40 years. Susana believes that making a great wine is both science and art. Each terroir provides us with colors and textures that we can bring to life as an art form, and science is the vehicle that allows us to integrate those elements into innovative wines. 

TERROIR: A CORNERSTONE IN OUR WINEMAKING: Susana's winemaking approach is to seamlessly apply her human touch and enhance (not mask) the grape's character, preserving all elements of terroir. 

PUSHING THE LIMITS: Susana's unstoppable pioneering spirit has taken her through a constant quest for new winemaking methods. This innovative drive goes from working with different harvesting points in the various plots of the same vineyard to experimenting with several fermentation vessels, such as concrete eggs, oak barrels and rollers, and terracotta amphorae. 

PIONEERING ARGENTINA'S WHITE WINE REVOLUTION: The Signature range stands out for the wide variety of premium white and rose wines, each of which have received praises and outstanding comments by the critics from the very first vintages released. Nearly 30% of the wines we produce as a winery are whites and roses compared to the 15% average in Argentina.