Graffetta - Grillo label
Graffetta - Grillo bottle

Graffetta - Grillo 2023

  • Producer
  • Blend Grillo
  • Country Italy
  • Region Sicily
  • Appellation Marsala
  • UPC 0 15643 66559 2
White Wine

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Item# 83225-23

Product Ratings

James Suckling 90pt


Poggio Graffetta is a stone’s throw from Ispica, close to Nodo and Modica, villages of the most authentic Sicilian Baroque period, architecture which marks the rebirth of the Val di Noto after the terrifying earthquake of 1697, which tore all the larger centers of the area to the ground. The wine culture of this south-eastern area of Sicily boasts eighteenth century traditions, period in which the region is essentially an enormous fief of noble families which administer the rural areas of the zone for long periods of time. The cultivation of the Nero d’Avola is difficult and laborious and carried out by hand until a few decades ago, with the aid of mules to dig the soil and transport the wine barrels from the grape pressing room to the points of sale. The culture of bottled wine is more recent history. The acquisition of Poggio Graffetta, by attorney Calogero Cali, aspires to write an important chapter of this history.


Grillo (translation: cricket) is Sicily's predominant white varietal. Its producers would love to see it become a familiar favorite to rival Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc but for now it's up to open-minded wine explorers like yourselves to enjoy its charms. The grape's unique fruit blossom fragrance and unctuous citric to tropical fruit flavors are pronounced, but hints of almonds and light spice fill in the blanks nicely. One might compare this unctuously textured, gently complex yet easy sipping white to a milder version of Viognier or a plumper, drier relative of Chenin Blanc; but don't let us put words in your mouth, take a taste and see its unique charms for yourself. Graffetta is a great partner for spicy seafood dishes or simply to entertain your taste-buds! Food Pairings: Antipasto; Seafood Green Curry; Spinach Ravioli.